March of the Robots Art of Geek Challenge | March 2018

March's Theme: March of the Robots
March's theme for the Art of Geek Challenge was March of the Robots. Participants had the entire month of March to create something inspired by robots from movies, tv shows, comic books, and so on.

Check out the hashtag #aogrobots to view all the Instagram posts for March's challenge.

First Place:

Iron Giant bust by @beardedcrabworkshop.

Second Place:

8-bit pixel R2D2 by @handmadewithashley.

Third Place:

Robot themed leather wall hanging by @maras.jaded.opinion.
here is my OFFICIAL ENTRY for the March @artofgeekchallenge!! i actually did make a March of Robots!! i created a wall hanging out of scrap LEATHER. . . WOW. this was an ever-evolving project. it started as something so different and there were so many ways i could go with it, but i ended up choosing a minimalistic look (almost went with rainbow colors 🌈😱). i couldnt choose a favorite robot, there have been SOOO many memorable ones!! . . there are very few projects im completely satisfied with and this is one of them. i love it so much. all my little robot buddies 💖🤖. its pretty big at just over 40 inches long. there were a ton of steps & was very tedious work. i will post some process pics soon. it might yet evolve later...maybe add rivets, maybe frame it, who knows... . . can you recognize all of them?? who is your favorite robot?? i would have to say Johnny 5 😍🤖 . . . . . #artofgeekchallenge #marchofrobots #robots #droids #thesearethedroidsyourelookingfor #diy #handmade #leatherwork #leather #r2d2 #bb8 #zelda #legendofzelda #starwars #rogueone #batteriesnotincluded #hitchhikersguidetothegalaxy #k2so #nerd #geekgirl #gamergirl #spaceballs #bmo #adventuretime #walle #bender #futurama #cyberneticghostofchristmaspastfromthefuture #aquateenhungerforce
A post shared by hope jade (@maras.jaded.opinion) on

Other Entries:

Bender bust by @kavanaghandy.

Scrap wood robot by @cedar23_woodshop.

Paper pixel Ultraman @mdbxstudios.


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